A day of celebration for a new Marine recruit

Steven Rodgers posing in front of a 1955 North American T-28B at Chino, California. 2023 © Gérald WILLIG

A few weeks ago I had the honor and the privilege of being present at the party organized for the celebration of the end of the Marines boot camp of Steven Rodgers's at Mach One Air Charters, Chino Airport, California.

I was with my friend, the French warbird pilot, Laurent Potit, and Bruce Banigan who served in the Marines for 20 years and served as pilot for President Ronald Reagan. Bruce is also the owner of a gorgeous 1955 North American T-28B (N107NA).

The Marine Corps was founded on November 10, 1775, when the Continental Congress ordered that two battalions of Marines be raised for service as landing forces with the fleet. Marines have participated in all wars of the United States, being in most instances first, or among the first, to fight.

In Marine Corps recruit training, recruits are transformed into the world's most elite fighting force through 13 weeks of rigorous training. Recruits will acquire the knowledge, discipline, teamwork, and fitness level required of a Marine through physical training, classroom instruction, and developing combat skills.

Recruits receive instruction on military history, customs and courtesies, basic first aid, uniforms, leadership and core values. They begin to learn discipline through close-order drill and hand-to-hand combat skills through the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, which is made up of various martial arts styles.

Steven Rodgers posing in front of a 1955 North American T-28B at Chino, California. 2023 © Gérald WILLIG

As you may know, France and the United States Marine Corps have strong ties established throughout history, notably during the WWI. The US Marine Corps was included in the American Expeditionary Forces and fought in France and on the high seas against the German U-boats in Anti-submarine patrols. The achievements of the 4th Brigade on the battlefields of Europe, as one of the two infantry brigades of the Second Division, US Army, comprised the major effort of the Marine Corps in Europe during World War I. The Marines played a significant role in the Battle of Belleau Wood in France in 1918. The battle was fought between June 1 and June 26, 1918, near the Marne River in France. It was a significant battle for the US military because it was one of the first times that American troops had fought as an independent unit under their own command.

That means a lot to me, as a French guy from Normandy, France, I deeply understand the value of what the allies and especially the United States of America and their troops did to help my country and Europe.

Steven Rodgers posing in front of a 1955 North American T-28B at Chino, California. 2023 © Gérald WILLIG

It was a great opportunity to do a photo shoot with Steven Rodgers. I’m pretty happy with the result of this portrait session, and I can say that Steven is also a great model to work with.

I’m sure he’ll keep nice memories of this day of celebration with his family, his friends, and Bruce Banigan's T-28B!

And it was also for me the opportunity to pay a modest personal tribute to the United States Marine Corps. 

See you soon for other articles in my blog!

© Gérald WILLIG



Artist - Aviation Fine Art Photographer and content creator.

Born and raised in Normandy, FRANCE. Based in California, U.S.A.


Air-to-air photo session